
バイデン政権による介入権(March-in rights)を行使する薬価引下施策の提案に各界から反発の声

米国バイデン政権は、2023年12月7日に発表した「競争の促進による医療と医薬品の価格引下げを目指す新たな方針」の中で、医薬品の価格を抑えるために、バイ・ドール法に基づいて政府の資金援助を受けて研究開発された特許技術に対して介入権(March-in rights)を行使する可能性を示唆しています。




1.介入権(March-in rights)を行使する薬価引下施策の提案

米国バイデン政権は、「競争の促進による医療と医薬品の価格引下げを目指す新たな方針(New Actions to Lower Health Care and Prescription Drug Costs by Promoting Competition)」を2023年12月7日に発表しました。


具体的には、医薬品の価格を抑えるために、バイ・ドール法(Bayh-Dole Act)に基づいて、政府の資金援助を受けて研究開発された特許技術に対して介入権(March-in rights)を行使する可能性が示唆されました。

“Today, the Biden-Harris Administration announced a new action to support lowering prescription drug costs and increase Americans’ access to life-saving medications:

Promoting equitable access to lower-priced taxpayer-funded drugs. Taxpayers have spent hundreds of billions of dollars on research catalyzing the discovery and development of new prescription drugs. The Biden-Harris Administration believes taxpayer-funded drugs and other taxpayer-funded inventions should be available and affordable to the public. When an invention is made using taxpayer funds, under certain circumstances march-in authority under the Bayh-Dole Act enables the federal government to license the invention to another party. The prior Administration proposed a rule preventing the government from exercising this authority on the basis of high price alone. The Biden-Harris Administration decided not to finalize that proposal earlier this year, consistent with President Biden’s Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy. Today, the Department of Commerce (DOC) and HHS released a proposed framework for agencies on the exercise of march-in rights that specifies for the first time that price can be a factor in determining that a drug or other taxpayer-funded invention is not accessible to the public. DOC and HHS invite public input on how this framework can promote access to taxpayer-funded inventions, including treatments for patients, while promoting innovation.”



2.介入権(March-in rights/マーチ・イン・ライト)とは

1980年に制定されたバイ・ドール法(Bayh-Dole Act)は、連邦政府の資金を受けて行われた大学等での研究から生まれた発明が社会に広く利益をもたらすことを確実にすることを目的として、その発明について大学等が所有権を保持できるようにする法律です(35 U.S.C. §200–212)。





これには、発明が適切に利用されていない場合に、連邦政府機関がライセンスを他者に与えることができる「介入権(March-in rights/マーチ・イン・ライト)」が含まれます。

米国特許法203条(35 U.S.C. §203)は、対象発明が行われる基になった資金供給契約の当事者である連邦政府機関が、以下の場合に、特許権者に対して第三者又は連邦政府自身にライセンスを許諾するよう求めることができると定めています(翻訳文は特許庁ウエブサイト参照)。





35 U.S.C. 203 March-in rights.

(a) With respect to any subject invention in which a small business firm or nonprofit organization has acquired title under this chapter, the Federal agency under whose funding agreement the subject invention was made shall have the right, in accordance with such procedures as are provided in regulations promulgated hereunder, to require the contractor, an assignee, or exclusive licensee of a subject invention to grant a nonexclusive, partially exclusive, or exclusive license in any field of use to a responsible applicant or applicants, upon terms that are reasonable under the circumstances, and if the contractor, assignee, or exclusive licensee refuses such request, to grant such a license itself, if the Federal agency determines that such —

(1) action is necessary because the contractor or assignee has not taken, or is not expected to take within a reasonable time, effective steps to achieve practical application of the subject invention in such field of use;

(2) action is necessary to alleviate health or safety needs which are not reasonably satisfied by the contractor, assignee, or their licensees;

(3) action is necessary to meet requirements for public use specified by Federal regulations and such requirements are not reasonably satisfied by the contractor, assignee, or licensees;


(4) action is necessary because the agreement required by section 204 has not been obtained or waived or because a licensee of the exclusive right to use or sell any subject invention in the United States is in breach of its agreement obtained pursuant to section 204.

(b) A determination pursuant to this section or section 202(b)(4) shall not be subject to chapter 71 of title 41. An administrative appeals procedure shall be established by regulations promulgated in accordance with section 206. Additionally, any contractor, inventor, assignee, or exclusive licensee adversely affected by a determination under this section may, at any time within sixty days after the determination is issued, file a petition in the United States Court of Federal Claims, which shall have jurisdiction to determine the appeal on the record and to affirm, reverse, remand or modify, as appropriate, the determination of the Federal agency. In cases described in paragraphs (1) and (3) of subsection (a), the agency’s determination shall be held in abeyance pending the exhaustion of appeals or petitions filed under the preceding sentence.



“NIH’s analyses in response to the petition request have found Xtandi to be widely available to the public on the market. In addition, given the remaining patent life and the lengthy administrative process involved for a march-in proceeding, NIH does not believe that use of the march-in authority would be an effective means of lowering the price of the drug. For these reasons, NIH has determined that initiation of a march-in proceeding is not warranted in this case.”






バイデン政権による「競争の促進による医療と医薬品の価格引下げを目指す新たな方針」の発表と同日、米国商務省(DOC)に属する政府機関である米国標準技術研究所(National Institute of Standards and Technology: NIST)が「介入権の行使に関するガイダンス枠組み案(Draft Interagency Guidance Framework for Considering the Exercise of March-In Rights)」を公表し、2024年2月6日までパブリックコメントを募集しました。

















“The Draft Framework contradicts the purposes of Bayh-Dole and could well reverse the gains we have seen in innovation as a result of Bayh-Dole, causing reduced investment in public-private partnerships and minimal commercialization of federally funded inventions. The negative effects of the Draft Framework could have a ripple effect throughout the innovation ecosystem, ultimately reducing investment in small biotech companies and in the development of university inventions, and jeopardizing future benefits to the U.S. economy” (URL: https://www.regulations.gov/comment/NIST-2023-0008-0633)


“By diminishing private sector interest in collaborations to develop federally funded inventions, the draft framework could undermine a variety of federal innovation initiatives that depend on private sector activity in development of federally funded inventions, such as the CHIPS and Science Act, the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, and the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program. All of those programs depend on robust interest in and participation by the private sector.” (URL: https://www.regulations.gov/comment/NIST-2023-0008-0780)

The United States Chamber of Commerce and twelve other organizations and individuals

“The proposed guidance constitutes a confiscation of property rights that would chill private research and development funding; The actions contemplated by the proposed guidance are unlawful and directly contradict both the plan text and the spirit of the Bayh-Dole Act; If implemented, the proposed guidance would radically alter and undermine America’s innovation ecosystem, thwarting American technological leadership and the ability of Americans to access the next generation of innovative technologies; and Separate from the clear, unambiguous illegality of the proposed guidance, the entire process that led to its issuance lacked transparency, public input, and engagement.” (URL: https://www.regulations.gov/comment/NIST-2023-0008-0769)

The Bayh-Dole Coalition

”Because the law does not mention pricing as a march-in trigger, NIST lacks the authority to direct federal agencies “to further assess whether march-in is warranted” when “the contractor or licensee has commercialized the product, but the price or other terms at which the product is offered to the public are not reasonable.”” (URL: https://www.regulations.gov/comment/NIST-2023-0008-0497)


“Under such circumstances, the exercise of March-In Rights, even if based on this Framework, is up to the discretion of the government, making business predictability of companies more difficult. The easy exercise of March-In Rights will in turn defer the research and development initiatives of companies and may suppress innovation activities in the U.S.” (https://www.regulations.gov/comment/NIST-2023-0008-0751)

Astellas Pharma US, Inc.

“Astellas strongly opposes including price as a factor in all of the circumstances outlined above for the following reasons:
• Considering price as a march-in factor is inconsistent with the text of the BayhDole Act and Congressional intent and prior National Institutes of Health (NIH) decisions interpreting the Act.
• If agencies were to consider price when deciding whether to exercise march-in rights, such an approach would have a chilling effect on collaboration and innovation, thus adversely affecting both the U.S. economy – including Americans’ jobs – and the health of many Americans who rely on advancements in medical technology to address their unmet health needs” (https://www.regulations.gov/comment/NIST-2023-0008-0680)










